The last time i wrote on my blog was the day before we left Washington... I know it has been fart too long since i have updated my blog! I really have no time, but I am still to blame! Well here goes.. We finally took the 16 hour drive back to SLC, UT. To be honest, the drive was not that bad and it went by really fast! We literally unloaded everything in to our front room and went up to the Pugh Cabin for the weekend! It was so good to be with everyone after such a long summer. We then drove back home, packed our bags (again!) and left to Lake Powell with my family for the week! Part of me desperately wanted to just be home, unpack and relax BUT who could pass up a great Lake Powell adventure?? Lake Powell is my favorite place to be! We had so much fun with two houseboats, two boats and an amazing sandy beach!
We built a HUGE sandcastle and had a scary storm come through too! Such a fun trip!
We then drove to St. George where we saw Tarzan at the Tuachan theater! The next day we came home and a few days later drove to Bear Lake with the Pugh family! Again, a fun relaxing vacation! BUT it was nice to just finally be home and get our house back in order and livable again.. :)
Mark started another semester at UVU and i started on my job hunt! I finally found a job at a dentist office (Woodbury Family Dental). I feel like this was a direct way of the Lord showing me His love. I am going to school for Dental Hygiene and have wanted a job in a dental office so that i can be ahead of the game when i start school. I also feel like I have such a great "IN" with this company! They have been so friendly and supportive. They have offered to teach me assisting on their down time and a cute hygienist Sharon offered to have my shadow her and learn the ropes on my days off! There are two dentists working. Dr. Woodbury owns the practice while Dr. Goeckeritz is his partner- working for him while he builds his practice. Who knows if there will be a position available when I graduate school, BUT I am going to pretend like this is the Company I will be working for. Mark and I see blessings from the Lord everyday and are so grateful for what has come our way so far. Mark has a pretty stressful class load and on top of that started a job at a company called Thrive Learning. He has had no time for himself :s Thrive helps companies and individuals learn to sell on Ebay and build websites. They spend 10,000 dollars just to talk to Mark to help them better their websites and internet skills! Again, Mark feels blessed to have this job (even tho it has been really stressful and too many hours) because going in to business, he is learning the skills that people spend big bucks to get. This job will greatly help him in the business world with marketing. This is where we are at today!
Mark and a few of his buddies started a softball team! Jesse James and the Boys:) it has been fun watching them play softball! I never realized how fast Mark can run! haha he is really good! He even hit a home run last week... some of these teams take the game so serious.. haha but Marks team, even when they are blowing the game, are laughing and having a great time! He gets so excited to play.. i am sure i will have many games to watch in the future:) I finally am feeling great about my grocery shopping! I have wanted to really get in to cooking and felt held back because I never knew what to buy. I made a list of whats in my sisters fridge and went and bought it all! haha i am such a dork.. i also went through every recipe and bought all the necessities like random spices and liquids. I now feel like I can make anything without having to go to the store for one small thing:)
I was sad to have missed the Girls Trip to Mesquite! It looked like they had so much fun.. but I had a work picture that I had to be in. Next time I won't miss out!! Instead Mark and I went to the cabin! This was one of my favorite trips because Ruth and I found out we LOVE fishing! haha I caught like 9 fish in the 2 hours we were out there trolling. I even held the fish in my hand! I was so impressed!

Conference weeked was a blast! I get excited to see what topics the Lord feels we needed to hear more about. Very inspirational!! We also went to Marks Mission Reunion. It was fun to see him reunite with so many people he has love for!
Next week we leave for Cabo with Nationwide. Marks company is paying for us to go as long as he signs for next year! It should be lots of fun! This month we have lots of baby showers, wedding showers and receptions to go to! AND this month is my favorite time of year! I love October and Halloween! Here comes fun sweaters and cute boots and CANDY!! Yay:) haha It wont be 2 months before I write again! We have a fun date night planned tomorrow and i am hoping Mark and I will have a date night just for us Saturday!
Chow for now!